Monday, March 27, 2017

OK, OK, It's been a while....

Any parent will tell you that while children are just little bundles of joy, they also tend to suck all the energy you have right out of you, leaving you but a tatter husk of the person that you were when you woke up that morning. All your grandiose dreams of what you would be accomplishing that day have been shattered -- to do lists continue to grow, then are trimmed, then are completely ignored until all that remains on the task sheet is to sit, breathe, and try to stay awake long enough to bathe and walk to bed.

And those are the good days.

So in that spirit, I'm going to try to squeeze in some more updates to the blog over the next few weeks!

Yesterday we went to Kid City. God bless that place. The kids played for 4 hours. Only on pull up incident. And two ice cream sundaes.

Everyone loves the fishy room!

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