Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Moonshine, and other adventures in West Virginia

As you all know, I have a special spot in my heart for West Virginia. It's mountains and meadows, rocky crags and hidden hollows, racing rivers and gentle streams. Both sides of my family have Mountaineer Heritage, and I'm proud to be able to go back on occasion and see the land that has shaped so much our our past. And drink some crazy strong moonshine with my sister!

We went to the Heston Farm winery and distillery, just outside of Fairmont. No relation to Charlton Heston and his cold, dead hands.

It was a lovely farm with wonderful views

The only place quainter would be in New England.

It was raining the day we were there, but I can imagine that kids would have a lot of fun on this train while their parents hung out in side drinking wine.

Eclectic is the word

Hurry up people. We've got wine to taste!

They had a nice selection of wines and spirits -- the wine grapes are grown in the Shenandoah, and the grains locally. Everything is fermented and distilled on site

The wines we tasted. The Cab Franc was by far my favorite. 

And then there was the Moonshine. 180 proof. Mountain Dew. White Lighting. The Creature.

Life is like a dollar bill. You can spend it any way you like, but you can only spend it once. 
Here's to trying new things.

Bottoms up!

How do you think it tasted?

Does this give you a hint? 

But the view through the mountains makes up for the indigestion.

A Mountaineer is Always Free

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