Friday, December 26, 2008

I know, I know...

I know what you're thinking: Why so much about others and not more about me? Well, when you blog, you have to be very open to letting the discussion flow in a free form way. You don't want to stop the natural hustle and flow that a blog creates, its own sound and fury as Shakespeare once wrote; you can't get in the way of the jugernaut that is Blogging. As Stina always says: "Get down from the table, that's people food." Did I mention we have an adorable cat? Where's the Cadillac Gas Money?

The cat doesn't eat when I'm not around. She does her own little sit-in to protest me leaving town and not taking her with me. I suppose it must be hard to be without me. I really enjoy myself, and so do you or you wouldn't be reading this. It's like work: you go everyday because it's a great place to be with wonderful co-workers and excellent management. If it weren't you obviously wouldn't go, right? So the cat will be a bit of a muse for this blog. She'll help with the rent.

Another blogging necessity is audience intereference. It is an interactive experience, so get interactivated people. I need your feedback to remind me of how good of a blogger I am. And humble. There will be no jumping ship.

Take a moment out of every hour and see what I've updated. Or, subscribe to the RSS feed for this blog so you can be notified any time further wit and wisdom has been added to the series of intertubes that is this word of wide webs. Don't be shy. It's going to be a great experience for me. You should be there for it. It's getting hard out here in the blogosphere. But it's getting exciting as well! That was such a terrible song.

Deer sighted: 0
Turkey Sighted: 0
Deer turkey ratio still even.

"I got four crackers, in over-alls, and Sox hats screaming: Ashford Life! Every time they Pass"

1 comment:

  1. If you are gonna be a pro blogger at least make some money while you are doing it. Google Adsense. Look it up....
