Friday, August 15, 2014

Cape May Re-hash: Sandy Snoozy Beachy!

We were so excited in 2011 when Robby took so well to the water. That, and he slept on the beach!

As a first time beach goer, Robby found all the sights and sounds to be exciting. Hearing the waves crash against the beach. Sticking his feet in the cold surf for the first time. Eating rocks and handfuls of sand. Everything was a new experience and a chance to explore the world around him. And it was nice to take 2 hour naps in a warm spot. Babies...I'm just saying.

Crashing waves and gentle breeze

Getting some Z's

I can't wait until next year when he's big enough to swim out on his own. Kids are big by 2 years old, right?

Swimming with the ladies

Hey, it's Meadow

Swimming out in the waves with Mom and Dad

Dreaming of a return to the spray and the surf

Look at me!

Another day's swimming in the ocean

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