Friday, September 30, 2011

The firsts of third, or "How do you tell time with that?"

For those of you who are frequent readers of Ashford Living, you'll know there have been a few changes afoot: A new header, a few more pictures, and the crazy new "Baby D" storyline we just introduced on Wednesday. We know that not all of you will be 100% happy with the changes,  but as the series expanded, we realized that we needed a new character to keep us fresh and appealing to the widest possible variety of readers.

That's not the whole truth. What really happened is I met a girl the first week of college.

The First time I saw her, I was hooked. The first time she talked to me, she commented that I had a nice watch (Skagen, my favorite), and asked how I could tell time with that? (Skagen, no numbers)

The first time we hung out, I mooned her (what can I say, I'm classy like that). The first trip we took together was to Store 24 in my Camaro. The first time I met her Mom I drove up to Connecticut in a Blizzard (in that same Camaro).

The first time I saw her at our wedding I fell for her again. The first time I heard "Mr. and Mrs.", I was the happiest man alive. Our first dance was to "Wouldn't it be Nice".

The first thing I remember Wednesday morning was her saying to me that the contractions were 4 minutes apart. The second after that I began to panic and celebrate all at once. We rushed to the hospital as quickly as we could, and now there is a third of us.

And, on this, Robby's third day, he's been through a few firsts of his own:

First new onesie.

First trip outside. First taste of the sun. First time in the car seat.

First time on the patio.

First day at home with Mom and Dad. First time in the house. First time meeting his partner in crime.

First time in the most portable of his multiple official baby beds (thanks Grandma H. and Great Grandma U. for the get up and accoutrement).

What do you think, Robby?

Well I know how I Feel!

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