Thursday, October 6, 2011

The most precious commodity

Everyone told us before the stork came that we should treasure the sleep we have. "Get it now while you can", was a common refrain from seasoned parents.

I figured I would be up all night, waking every time the baby stirred and comforting him while Christina tried to get a few precious moments of shut-eye. I assumed my days would be filled with a wakeful haze of diaper changes and doctors appointments, napping in the car and reacting to every coo and cry with a jump and a jerk.

Boy was I wrong--I can get sleep anytime I want!  I have to say, it really hasn't been too bad with Robby. He always finds the time to sleep. Those precious seconds of quiet! There's literally nothing stopping me from collapsing on the couch whenever the mood overcomes me.

Sleeping with Robby: Easy as can be for minutes on end!

Whenever I have a chance to slip out of the living room, I make sure to grab a few Z's in my favorite napping spot:

As for the diaper changes--another great time to succumb to Mr. Sandman.

Never felt better!

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